This incredible gemstone is one of my absolute favorites! I love to create Rainbow Moonstone jewelry and in this collection I will show you some of my favorite Moonstone best seller pieces. I pick out the best Moonstones I can find with the most unique and stunning glow of colors and reflective schiller. This amazing, glowing and natural gemstone is capable off reflecting all the colors of the rainbow and each piece is unique and absolutely delightful

My moonstone creations are inspired by the story of "Hina", the Hawiian moon goddess. One of my favorite characters in Hawaiian Mythology! Hopefully it will bring out the beautiful goddess in you! Hina is known as “The woman who works the Moon”. The Hawaiian word for moon is "Mahina". A symbol associated with women and the feminine. According to ancient Hawaiian folklore Hina was once a very attractive, smart, beautiful, determined young woman pursued by men and other creatures. It is said that one day, wishing for solitude, she flees to the moon, and eventually becomes it’s goddess...

Moonstone is believed to bring luck in love & is also given as a traditional wedding gift. Also believed to bring good fortune, enhance intuition, offer protection, and bring success in love and business matters. Called “The stone of New Beginnings”. Like the moon, this stone reminds one of the cycles of life and that we can always start again. As the moon waxes and wanes through a natural cycle, as do we… I hope my Moonstone jewelry helps bring you luck, power and strength through all your new beginnings and brings out the beautiful goddess in you 🌙 ✨ 

Mahalo for visiting my store! 🙏🫶🌺